Gum Disease

What is gum disease?

Gum disease is a condition that impacts the gums. Often leaving gums sore, swollen, bleeding, bad breath, receding gums, and can cause loose teeth.

What causes gum disease?

Gum disease is a common condition, the severity of the disease is influenced by risk factors and your body’s ability to defend against the disease. Some examples of risk factors include:
  • Poor oral hygiene
  • Smoking
  • Stress
  • Medical conditions such as HIV and poorly controlled diabetes
  • Genetics
  • Deficiencies in vitamins such as Vitamin C

How to prevent gum disease?

Gum disease is preventable, follow the guidance below:
  • Brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day for no less than two minutes will help remove any plaque prior to it causing problems.
  • Make regular appointments with your dentist
  • Replace your toothbrush or toothbrush head every two to three months.
  • Avoid smoking
  • Have a balanced diet
  • Ensure medical conditions are well-controlled

How to treat gum disease?

Gum disease treatment is dependent on how much it has progressed. If the gum disease is caught in the early stages the development can be halted.

Brushing and flossing using fluoride toothpaste and cleaning in between the gum and teeth may clear up the earliest stages of gum disease. At this stage, avoiding smoking will also aid the process of your gums healing. You may also be given a cleaning performed by your dentist or hygienist to remove calculus deposits.

However, more aggressive forms of gum disease require more combative treatments, such as deep cleaning below the surface of the gum to clear infection. In extremely advanced cases teeth may need to be removed due to the damage caused by the gum disease, whilst others may need gum surgery to promote bone and tissue regeneration.

How to spot gum disease/ symptoms?
The following symptoms are signs of gum disease. If you think you are experiencing any of these, please contact your dentist.

  • Tender, swollen gums, usually a shade of dark pink or red.
  • Bleeding gums when eating hard foods, flossing, or brushing your teeth.
  • Bad breath.
  • A receding gum lines.

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