Once you've had a fillingA lay term used for the restoring of lost tooth structure by using materials such as metal, alloy, or porcelain., is it safe to eat?
After having a filling, you can experience some discomfort or sensitivity over the next few hours or in some cases, until the following day. However, during that time you will still want to continue eating and drinking, so we have put together a few tips on how to eat after a dental filling including what to eat and what to avoid.
Eat slowly
The first thing you should do, is chew slowly and bite more lightly than you usually would. Eating can put a strain on your teeth and as a result after having a filling, this could cause some discomfort and possibly damage the filling in the early stages. Take your time when eating and if possible, eat on the other side of your mouth. This will be able to help the filling settle and ensure you avoid any complications.
Avoid sticky or chewy foods.
Avoid any sticky or particularly chewy foods that could cause problems with the filling. Fillings, in particular silver fillings, can take some time to settle after the treatment and in rare cases sticky foods could dislodge the filling. Avoid foods like chewing gum, toffee, caramel, chewy sweets, dried fruits, dried fruit roll-ups and anything with a hard crust or base.
Sensitivity to hot and cold drinks.
You could be sensitive to hot and cold drinks immediately after receiving a filling – this is normal - so it would be best for your own comfort to avoid really hot or really cold drinks for a short time!
Sugary food and drink.
Fillings are placed to restore teeth that have become decayed or are causing pain and eating sugary foods immediately after the filling may cause complications to the settling process. Try to avoid sugary food and drink for at least 24 hours after the filling.
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