What's the process for the treatment?
Dental implants are a form of dental work that is used when you have lost a tooth or teeth, or you have had a tooth extractionThe process or act of removing a tooth or tooth parts.. Tooth loss can occur for several reasons; it could be that you have suffered trauma, poor dental hygiene or a bad diet and simply loss of tooth due to old age.
A dental implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone as a means of providing for dental replacement; endosteal (endosseous); eposteal subperiosteal); trans involves a metal rod being fused with your jawbone, and an artificial tooth being placed on top to replicate the normal enamelHard calcified tissue covering dentin of the crown of tooth.. If you have gum disease or infections then you will not be able to have the dental implant, as your gums need to heal for the treatment to be a success. There are three key parts to the implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone; the implant which fuses to the bone, the post which connects the crownSimple crown procedure utilizing a porcelain crown fused to non-precious metal and not involving complicated prep. to the implant and the crown which sits on top. Implants can also support dentures and bridges.
Osseointegration is an important stage during dental implant treatments. This is the process when the implants are connected to the bone. This provides support for the tooth and allows the bone cells to integrate with the structure of the titanium implant. Consequently, the implant resembles and acts similarly to a natural tooth. Successful results can take a few months to achieve, as the implant needs to successful fuse and the gum needs to heal before treatment can conclude. However, your dentist will explain each step and what to expect. Once fitted, your implants will allow you to eat and drink as normal, without any pain or discomfort.
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