Will flossing be painful?
Flossing should be a core part of your daily oral hygiene routine. Each day you need to brush your teeth twice, usually in the morning and evening, as well as flossing your teeth at least once. Flossing enables you to reach morsels of food that have become lodged in between teeth. These morsels and bacteria in your mouth can cause cavities in the teeth and dental intervention such as fillings or root canalThe portion of the pulp cavity inside the root of a tooth; the chamber within the root of the tooth that contains the pulp. surgery.
Flossing should not cause you any pain, however, if you have fallen out of the habit of flossing then you may notice some discomfort when you initially start flossing again. When you start flossing there may be some bleeding or soreness in your gums. You should not worry about this as every day that you floss your gums will get more used to the practice and will stop bleeding. However, if your gums continue to bleed you may be flossing too hard and need to rethink your technique. Gentle flossing is the best way to achieve positive results. Additionally, if you have gum disease your gums will bleed when flossing and you will need to contact your dentist as soon as possible.
You can ask your dentist to recommend the best type of floss, as some have a softer type of cotton and maybe preferable and feel gentler. Furthermore, your dentist or hygienist will be able to provide guidance on the best techniques for flossing and this will ensure you can limit the chances of bleeding or gum disease in the future.
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