When should you look out for your baby's teeth?
Your child getting their first teeth can be an exciting experience however it can also be confusing as you try to understand whether the teeth coming through are healthy and whether they are coming through in the correct order. To help you we have put together a list which breaks down the order you should expect your baby’s teeth to arrive in:
• Low central incisors (5 to 10 months)
• Upper central incisors (6 to 12 months)
• Upper lateral incisors (9 to 13 months)
• Lower lateral incisors (10 to 16 months)
• Upper first molars (12 to 19 months)
• Lower first molars (12 to 19 months)
• Upper canine (16 to 23 months)
• Lower canine (16 to 23 months)
• Lower second molarTeeth posterior to the premolars (bicuspids) on either side of the jaw; grinding teeth, having large crowns and broad chewing surfaces. (25 to 33 months)
• Upper second molar (25 to 33 months)
The teeth usually come though in pairs and by the time your child reaches 3 years old they can expect to have a full assortment of their milk teeth. In some cases, your child may be born with teeth, but this is not something to panic about but you should contact your paediatrician and they will be able to explain this situation.
Teething can be a potentially painful experience, particularly in the first few months of your child’s life. They will suffer from pain in the gums and sometimes this could lead to pain on the side of their face. However, this is completely natural but if you are concerned your dentist will be happy to dispel any fears.
Please note that this article is for patient information purposes only. The information provided is based on guidance available at the time of writing, which may subsequently change. Please consult your own dentist with any individual queries.
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