Mouth Cancer Action Month.

Mouth Cancer Action Month


Mouth Cancer Action Month is held in November every year and is supported by the Mouth Cancer Foundation and the British Dental Health Foundation.

At Colosseum Dental we’re raising awareness, too, as early diagnosis is the key to ensuring the best possible outcome.  Most of all we want to reassure our patients that every time you come for your routine check-up, our dentists check for signs of mouth cancer. So you can rest assured that we’re with you every step of the way to make sure you get the best care possible.

Don’t put off booking your regular check-up!

Possible Signs and Symptoms of Mouth Cancer to look out for are*:

•    Ulcers that do not heal within 3 weeks
•    Pain or discomfort in the mouth
•    Lumps and swellings of no obvious cause in the mouth or neck
•    Bleeding from the mouth or throat
•    Red or white patches inside the mouth
•    Changes in texture; hardness, roughness
•    Teeth that become loose
•    Difficulty or pain with swallowing, chewing or moving the jaw
•    Persistent hoarseness or changes to the voice
•    Persistent coughing or the feeling that something is ‘stuck’ in the throat
•    Numbness or tingling of the lips or tongue
•    Unexplained weight loss
•    Dentures that suddenly stop fitting properly

This is a long list, and having one or more of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you have mouth cancer. However, if you have noticed any of these signs or symptoms, you should book a check-up with your dentist as soon as possible to be thoroughly checked, for your own peace of mind or for further investigation.

Preventing mouth cancer

The most effective ways of preventing mouth cancer are:

•    not smoking or chewing tobacco
•    ensuring you do not drink more than the recommended weekly guideline for alcohol
•    eating a healthy, balanced diet

You can find out more information about mouth cancer by visiting these sites:

Remember, early diagnosis and treatment is the key to ensuring the best possible outcome.

Why not book a check-up today? It’s quick and easy.

Book your appointment

*Information courtesy of the Mouth Cancer Foundation website

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