Composite Bonding: Enhancing your smile at Colosseum Dental

CompositeSingle surface composite filling (white or tooth colored) performed on a tooth in the front of the mouth. bonding, also known as dental bondingA composite resin applied to a tooth to change its shape and/or color. Bonding also refers to how a filling, orthodontic appliance or some fixed partial dentures are attached to teeth. or tooth bonding, is a cosmetic dental procedure used to improve the appearance of teeth. This technique involves the application of a tooth-coloured composite resin material (white fillingA lay term used for the restoring of lost tooth structure by using materials such as metal, alloy, or porcelain. material) to the tooth's surface to enhance aesthetics or correct minor imperfections, resulting in a significantly improved smile.

Here at Colosseum Dental, we pride ourselves on doing things properly. Before starting any procedure, we will invite you for a checkup and go through what we can do for you. During the checkup, we will discuss your expectations and suggest the safest approach to meet them. During the procedure, don’t be surprised if we take some photos and perform a digital scan. See, I told you we do things properly.

How does composite bonding work?

The procedure involves first preparing the tooth surface by roughening it and applying a conditioning liquid to help the bonding material adhere properly. Then, the composite is applied in layers and expertly sculpted to achieve the desired shape and contour. A special blue light is used to harden each layer of the resin, bonding it securely to the tooth.

Composite bonding can be used to address various dental issues, including:

  • Repairing chipped or cracked teeth
  • Closing some gaps between teeth
  • Improving the appearance of discoloured or stained teeth
  • Reshaping irregularly shaped teeth

What are the advantages of composite bonding?

One of the advantages of composite bonding is that it can usually be completed in a single visit to the dentist's office, making it a convenient option—all this without having to remove any healthy tooth surface. Additionally, the composite resin material can be colour-matched to blend seamlessly with the natural colour of the surrounding teeth, resulting in a more natural-looking smile.

However, it's important to note that composite bonding may not be as durable or long-lasting as other cosmetic dental treatments such as porcelain veneers or dental crowns. The lifespan of composite bonding can vary depending on factors such as the patient's oral hygiene habits, dietary habits, and the location of the bonded teeth. Regular maintenance and care, including proper oral hygiene practices and routine dental check-ups, can help prolong the lifespan of composite bonding.

Why not give us a call today and take the first step towards a brighter smile?

Article by Viral Chavdah, Associate Dentist at Colosseum Dental