How to care for your dental implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone as a means of providing for dental replacement; endosteal (endosseous); eposteal subperiosteal); trans
Caring for your implants helps ensure that your new dental implants last as long as natural teeth would do. The below advice will help maximise the lifetime of your implants and keep your smile looking good as new.
Keeping your dental implant clean
Your dentist will advise you that in the two weeks following your
implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone being fitted, you will need to rinse with an antiseptic mouthwash every morning and night. This will help keep the area around your implant free from infection and healthy.
Brushing your implant
Your dentist will advise you that you shouldn’t brush your implant until after you’ve had any stitches removed. This is to avoid the area around the implant being damaged and becoming infected. Once your stitches are removed, you should brush your teeth with a soft brush and using an antiseptic gel.
Eating with a dental implant
Eating hard food or food that can be easily stuck in your teeth (such as popcorn) can affect the implant area and cause infection. As such, in the first week after the procedure, you’re advised to eat only soft foods to minimise the risk of this happening. Once your implant area is fully healed, you’ll be able to continue eating just as you would with normal teeth.
Pain after having a dental implant
Once the local anesthetic has worn off it’s likely that you’ll feel some pain and discomfort from the implant procedure. Over-the-counter painkillers can be used to help minimise this pain. If you feel severe pain or discomfort, you’re advised to speak to your dentist.
Smoking and dental implants
Dental research has shown that smokers who receive dental implants have a much higher risk of implant failure. Your dentist will advise you to stop smoking before dental implant treatment, otherwise you may not be suitable.
Keep your mouth healthy
As with all dental care, you’re advised to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss. Keeping up good oral health will help ensure that your teeth and implant remain healthy and well maintained.
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