Will it cause you any problems?
We all have different sleeping patterns, with some people sleeping on their sides, some people snoring and others being gentle sleepers. However, as unusual as it may seem your teeth’s health can be adversely affected by how you sleep.
Often people attribute tooth decayThe lay term for carious lesions in a tooth; decomposition of tooth structure. or bad breath to issues that occur during the day such as having a poor oral hygiene routine or a poor diet but sleeping with your mouth open can also be bad for your teeth. Firstly, breathing through your mouth leave your mouth feeling dry. As air flows over the gum tissue, it dries out the moisture and this could result in inflammation or irritation. Dry gums are can lead to natural decay which could cause gum disease and tooth decay.
Secondly, this environment allows plaqueA soft sticky substance that accumulates on teeth composed largely of bacteria and bacterial derivatives. to thrive which leads to dental issues such as cavities or worse infections. If cavities are not dealt with immediately, then you may require something more serious such as root canalThe portion of the pulp cavity inside the root of a tooth; the chamber within the root of the tooth that contains the pulp. surgery or even a tooth extractionThe process or act of removing a tooth or tooth parts..
There are certain ways to prevent breathing through your nose, for example, you could start sleeping on your back with your head elevated. This will change the airflow of your breathing through your nose rather than through your mouth. This may mean stacking pillows up or buying new ones. Additionally, make sure your nose is regularly cleaned and not blocked. You can do this with some home remedies or buy nasal sprays from your local pharmacy or shop.
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