Implants - how long do they take to heal?
Having dental implants fitted can be a life-changing experiencing, allowing you to chew and speak clearly in spite of losing your natural teeth. The procedure can be used to replace a single tooth that has decayed or fallen out, or multiple teeth. Moreover, in some cases they provide a more long-term solution to dentures, as implants cannot be removed at night and after a short while will feel as natural as your original teeth.
Any surgery can cause some stress and anxiety, and having implants fitted is no different. Concerns often revolve around how painful the surgery will be, or how long it will take to have the implants fitted. However, another popular question is ‘how long do dental implants take to heal?’
The process of having a dental implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone as a means of providing for dental replacement; endosteal (endosseous); eposteal subperiosteal); trans fitted can take as long as six months, depending on your first appointment and when the dentist can see you. The first stage of the surgery involves the titanium rootThe anatomic portion of the tooth that is covered by cementum and is located in the alveolus (socket) where it is attached by the periodontal apparatus; radicular portion of tooth. of the implantA device specially designed to be placed surgically within or on the mandibular or maxillary bone being fused to the bone. After this procedure it takes around 3-6 months for the healing process to be completed.
Following this, the dentist will attach the new implant.
If you have any further concerns, please speak with your dentist. Be aware that for any dental pain associated with dental implants, over the counter medicine can be used, but we recommend asking your dentist for their opinion.
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