Big Bright Smiles

Setting our children up with good oral health habits is essential for them throughout their life.


The 'Big Bright Smiles' section is dedicated to articles on everything related to the oral health of your children; so from their first visit to the dentist to brushing their teeth and essential food choices you need to make for them. We aim to cover it all, right here. 

When you’re a parent, it can be exciting to think about when your child’s first adult teeth begin coming through. But how does the process happen?
Big Bright Smiles

What age do babies teeth?

Teething can be a stressful experience for both babies and parents. Teething can be painful for the child, but equally can lead to sleepless nights.
Big Bright Smiles

When do babies get teeth?

As a new parent, you may be wondering when your baby's first teeth will arrive. Knowing when to expect these milestones can help you prepare for the teething process and ensure that your child receives proper dental care from an early age.

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